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"Melle" & "Jidde"

"Melle" & "Jidde"

"Wat zijn we blij met de dekens! Laura je bent een ware kunstenares! Je hebt mij door de keuze van kleuren heen geloodst en het klopt allemaal precies! Bedankt dat je dit werk doet!!!" Annica (The Netherlands)



"Femke en ik zijn super blij met de mooie deken die Laura voor ons met zorg, hart en ziel heeft gemaakt. Gedurende het proces onderhielden we continu contact over de wensen zodat de deken precies wordt zoals je hoopt: een waardevolle quilt vol mooie herinneringen! Nogmaals dank Laura" Monique (The Netherlands)



Lieve Laura, soms zeggen ouders wel eens “ik zou willen dat je voor altijd klein blijft”. Dat is feitelijk niet mogelijk, maar jouw kunstwerken zitten er niet ver vandaan!! Wauw wauw wauw. Mijn jongens kunnen voor altijd baby blijven wanneer ik jouw sprei aanraak. Het streelt mijn ogen en raakt mijn ziel. Dank je hartelijk dat jij dit wezenlijk maakt. PS. Nu blijf ik voor eeuwig een jonge moeder. Lonneke (the Netherlands)



Memory quilt in Juno's room.

"Olivia" & "Samuel"

"Olivia" & "Samuel"

"Wauw" Ilse (The Netherlands)

"Celéste" & "Floris"

"Celéste" & "Floris"

"Working with Laura has been a pleasure! She's incredibly talented and has such a great eye for composition, and really created quilts that are representative of both my kids, that I know they will love. I couldn't be happier with the final results of these memory quilts, and I can't wait to see my kids playing and cuddling with these blankets, turning what would have been yellowing, moth-infested boxed baby clothes into beautiful, useful, meaningful art." Geneviève (The Netherlands)



"We just opened the box today!! Looks so beautiful! Thank you again!! We love it!" Emilie (USA)



"It's here, it's here" Hector was excited when seeing the package. Hij zegt tegen Maurice "dat vind ik spannend!". How was his reaction? The photo ise pretty self explanatory. Thank you Blue Sky Bubble atelier! Rebecca (The Netherlands)

"Sophie" & "Lotte"

"Sophie" & "Lotte"

"Absolutely love it! The creations are a unique piece of art. As you look into each square, the floods of memories enter your thoughts and heart once again!" Pauline (The Netherlands)



"We love our quilt and pillow as you can see!! They turned out beautiful. We couldn't be happier!! Thanks again for all your hard work!!" Amy (USA)



"Wow! We have just received the quilt and it is just gorgeous. We love every little detail of it. It is a true piece of art! Thank you so much for making this for us!"  Iris (The Netherlands)



"I simply love our QUILT! Blue Sky Bubble atelier you are a true artist! It was so much fun, from the intake to the regular consultations and now this lovely outcome! Can't wait to receive it! Melinda (Belgium)

"Kick" & "Fosse"

"Kick" & "Fosse"

"The wonderful feeling of becoming a mum is translated in a piece of art. Laura made with all her love and feeling for understanding what I wanted and needed a memory quilt for both of my boys Kick and Fosse. She's got the skills of a tailor and the heart of a real Queen. I was really touched by her eye for detail. Thank you sweetheart. I couldn't have done it better myself. No way!!" Armanda (The Netherlands)​



"Vandaag de deken ontvangen! Naast dat hij heeeeel mooi is geworden, zitten er zoveel fijne herinneringen in verwerkt. Het eerste ieniemienie shirtje dat we samen voor onze zoon hebben uitgezocht lang voor zijn geboorte, kleertjes die hij kreeg van zijn opa's en oma's, zijn eerste knuffel, een schattig vestje dat we opgestuurd kregen vanuit Australië en nog veel meer. En mijn zoon... die wil niet meer onder een andere deken slapen." Talitha (The Netherlands)



"Wow wow wow we are so happy and content with our memory blanket for our oldest son! We know for sure that a blanket for his sister will follow! Thank you Laura for your time, your work and keeping us updated during the process." Sabine (The Netherlands)



"We love it!!!" Christine (Germany)



"Laura, thank you so much for the beautiful quilt made with love, care and attention! We love it" Marietta (The Netherlands)

"Chitra" & "Dwani"

"Chitra" & "Dwani"

"I absolutely love it. My daughter & I are going to cherish these quilts forever. You are such a wonderfully talented lady. So glad that i found you." Chitra (The Netherlands)



"O wat is hij verschrikkelijk mooi. Ik had het geluk om een deken gewonnen te hebben bij een facebook actie. Tot de grote verrassing van onze zoon had Laura van hele kleine stukjes van zijn kleertjes nog eenbeer voor hem gemaakt. Hij is er dol op en blijft zijn beer maar kusjes geven. Laura, we zijn er erg blij mee!" Marion (The Netherlands)



"Simply amazing what you did there. We are superhappy and I know a little girl who will love to cuddle in her new blanky soon." Bianca (Germany)



"The wait is over! And Ella couldn't have been more surprised. Seeing all these clothes again and telling her about all the different moments and memories of her as a baby, it was worth the wait. Thinking of all the nights she'll be cuddling under it, it was worth the wait. Reminders of all the amazing moments, good and bad, that have molded our little girl so far, it was worth the wait. Seeing her show it off with pride, it was worth the wait." Leslie (USA)

"Josh & Sami"

"Josh & Sami"

"She can do magic. Bij ieder vierkantje zie ik ze voor me; mijn twee mooie knullen - in hun stoere shirtjes, schattige broekjes en zo lief slapend in hun slaapzak. Momenten waarbij ik net te laat was om een foto te maken, maar waarvan ik het beeld nog exact voor me kan halen. Laura, bedankt dat je dit voor me hebt gemaakt! You're the best!" Dewi (The Netherlands)



"Laura was amazing to work with. Even though we were on different sides of the world, the design process was a breeze. The final product is stunning and will be cherished for years to come! Thank you so much!" Naaz (Canada)



"Thanks so much!!!! We're over the moon" Maartje (The Netherlands)



"Kleren bewaren tot niemand ze meer aan kan? Kleren weggeven waar je zulke mooie herinneringen aan hebt? Of kleren weggooien? Nee, ga naar Blue Sky Bubble om alles om te vormen tot een mega hippe moderne lappendeken! Laura, ontzettend bedankt! Hij is fantastisch! Dikke kus van ons!" Amanda (The Netherlands)



"I am very glad that I got to meet Laura and her amazing work. She helped us give a new shape to the first year's clothes of our son, finding patterns where we could see none and finally making a unique quilt for us. Beside being very creative, Laura is also very professional, accurate and on-time with the delivery. I definitely recommend her high quality work!" Monica (The Netherlands)



"Laura thank you so much! It is beautiful, it will be much treasured." Susana (The Netherlands)



"Angus has received his beautiful quilt and although it is very very beautiful he is more fascinated by his little fish surprise right now. That's okay, I know this beautiful blanket will be treasured for many years to come. It makes me happy looking at it. Thank you, such a great experience all the way through. You make lovely things and it was fun to do!" Fiona (The Netherlands)

Update on "Mattijs" memory quilt from Danya.

"Mattijs" & "Linne"

"Mattijs" & "Linne"

"We are absolutely in love with it. Thank you for your hard work - you are truly an artist. Entrusting you with both of our baby's first 6 months clothing has proven to be a really great choice!" Danya (The Netherlands)



"I am so happy to have such a beautiful quilt that you have made with so much care and love. It was the best decision ever to ask you to make such a nice memory of my baby Alexandre. thank you so much for your dedication , passion , care and patience. I highly recommend Blue Sky Bubble atelier." Natalia (The Netherlands)

"Misha" & "Vadim"

"Misha" & "Vadim"

"Dear Laura, we've received the quilts! They are absolutely fabulous!!!" Anastasia (The Netherlands)



"Lieve Laura, heel veel dank voor m'n prachtige deken. Wat ben ik blij!" Bianca (The Netherlands)

about me

memory quilt cushion keepsake baby clothes onesies repurpose upcycle

Fascinated by fabrics, patterns & memories, inspired by nature & art, driven by creativity, I was using a sewing machine by the age of four. My grandfather was a professional tailor and his workshop was my playground, the antique Singer sewing machine - my favorite toy. My name is Laura, I am the creator of the Blue Sky Bubble atelier.

In 2000's I worked on countless prototypes, collections, and productions for fashion designers & fashion academy students in Antwerp, Belgium. People said I had golden hands and asked for my help.

Upcycling came along as the answer to my effort to consume less and be more creative and my atelier was born.

my promise

memory quilt cushion keepsake baby clothes onesies repurpose upcycle

I help to declutter your closet and mind by clearing out the old and making room for the new. Trusting me to create a keepsake from your clothes is more than buying a thing. It is a way of letting go. Clothes will not be clothes any more but fragments, colors, textures, tiny details that trigger a feeling, an emotion, a memory. Clothes will join your daily life in a different form, but the emotions hidden in them will linger. Take your time: you need to be ready to let go, transform & move on. This is neither an instant gratification project nor an impulse buy.


I create each item with my full attention to the person & their story. I focus on and enjoy the excellence of the craft. "Your finished product is exquisite" a client remarked once and it became my mantra, my promise and my mission.

the atelier

memory quilt cushion keepsake baby clothes onesies repurpose upcycle

I donated most of my kids clothes, but kept some. I took the most precious, special clothes & hid them away in a plastic bag in the attic. That seemed like such a shame... I made my first memory quilt and Blue Sky Bubble atelier was born in 2014. 


Fast forward to today, I have crafted over 200 memory quilts, memory cushions and fabric paintings and have wonderful clients all over the world. 

My keepsakes celebrate motherhood and the miracle of babies. And then there are those that mourn the loss of a loved one and help heal. Both bring meaning to my clients: these keepsakes mark a significant era in one's life.

my keepsakes 

memory quilt cushion keepsake baby clothes onesies repurpose upcycle

For me, a typical memory or t-shirt quilt was not enough. I set out to create a crisp, modern, interesting quilt that would also be practical. I did not like the idea of applying stabilizing sprays to preserve the clothes since I try to avoid using unnecessary chemicals. Instead, to make the clothes last as long as possible, I decided not to quilt through them. I added a calm background & bright highlights to accentuate the unique character of the clothing, while using the patterns in my quilts to showcase the clothes as a whole.

Memory cushions came along as the adorable little quilt's siblings. It was important for me to maintain the crisp, modern feel and perfect the color play as well as the construction.


Fabric paintings are my old passion. As a child I used to create fabric paintings and it felt like a perfect addition to my keepsakes family.



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VAT: NL002447558B72 
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